The audit should ensure that all authorized ecps and software problem reports have been resolved. Audits can be carried out during the software engineering process to investigate the current status of specific elements of the configuration or to assess the implementation of the scm process. Pdf basic activities of software configuration management. It is an engineering discipline that focuses on changes.
In part 2 we will explore how cm software like epoch cm and pdmplus support configuration audits. The aim of a conducting software audit is to provide an independent evaluation of the software products and processes to applicable standards, guidelines, plans, and procedures against compliance. List the software tools currently being used to support cm activities. Software engineering system configuration management. Every improvement takes the shape of better control. This paper presents an overview of the knowledge area of software configuration management for the software engineering body of knowledge swebok project. A physical configuration audit pca is the formal examination of the asbuilt configuration of a configuration item against its technical documentation to establish or verify the configuration items product baseline. The configuration management process establishes and maintains the consistency of a systems functional, performance and physical attributes with its requirements, design and operational information and allows technical insight into all levels of the system design throughout the systems life cycle. Provide information regarding the content and scheduling of cm training to be conducted for all personnel.
The audit team will consist of 34 members comprising the customer representative, independent quality assurance members and configuration controller of other projects. Unresolved software related test deficiency reports. A configuration management process that confirms the integrity of a systems product prior to delivery. Have any additional modifications been incorporated. The objective of the physical audit is to provide an independent evaluation of a software products. Configuration audit scm audits to verify that the software product satisfies the baselines requirements and ensures that what is built and what is delivered.
This is a discipline which controls betters and according to client need in software engineering. The audit team will consist of 34 members comprising the customer. Configuration auditing is conducted by auditors by checking that defined processes are being followed and ensuring that the scm goals are. Configuration management tools the mitre corporation. Appendix v functional configuration audit fca checklist. Configuration management self assessment checklist introduction. The audit asks and answers the following questions. Quality assurance configuration audits and checklist. A better model for software configuration management that is clearly understood and is scaleable is the subject of this paper. The objective of the functional audit is to provide an independent evaluation of a software product, verifying that its configuration items actual functionality and performance is consistent with the relevant requirement specification. The software engineering integrated product team leads the audit of the software configuration to ensure that requirements have been properly implemented. It focuses on the technical correctness of the configuration object that has been modified. In addition, the growing number of tools for automating cm practices are avenues for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of these processes. Inprocess software configuration management scm audits inprocess scm audits are performed throughout the software life cycle to provide management with an ongoing independent evaluation of the.
In addition, the growing number of tools for automating cm practices are avenues for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of these. Its purpose is to ensure that all changes to a complex system are performed with the knowledge and consent of. Software configuration management scm is the discipline for systematically controlling the changes that take place during development. An audit is a planned and independent evaluation of one or more products or processes to determine conformance. Pca is one of the practices used in software configuration management for software configuration auditing. Configuration management and engineering change control.
The purpose of the software pca is to ensure that the design and reference documentation is consistent with the asbuilt software. Software engineering system configuration management whenever a software is build, there is always scope for improvement and those improvements brings changes in picture. A software configuration management system provides solutions to various challenges faced by different roles in a development team, forming an essential part of almost any software development project. Software configuration management is how you control the evolution of a software project. The development of a configuration item has been completed satisfactorily. Ca specialises in enhancing the performance of software and systems engineering projects.
Slightly more formally, software configuration management scm is a software engineering discipline comprising the tools and techniques processes or methodology that a company uses to manage change to its software assets. Software pca 2 the software pca is an examination of the ascoded total system software against its design or deliverable documentation. Software configuration management is a process independent of the development process largely because most development models cannot accommodate change at any time during development. Swe084 configuration audits nasa software engineering. Configuration audits are typically performed at the time of delivery and major upgrades to the software. This article begins with brief, general definitions of configuration management and of iso 9001. Scm audits also ensure that traceability is maintained between all cis and that all work requests are associated with one or more ci modification. Scm activities are constantly carried out during the development or major. Git is a free and open source tool which helps version control.
Where audits fit in to the product development lifecycle. Slightly more formally, software configuration management scm is a softwareengineering discipline comprising. Each requirement in the software specifications should be traced to the test results that confirmed the suitability of the software implementation. Configuration software suite enables you to manage all aspects of your system configuration including hardware configuration, history, opc, batch control strategies, and control strategies. Software configuration management can be functionally broken out into the.
Our mission is to advance our clients ability to reliably deliver systems that are safe, fit for purpose and cost effective. The configuration management process establishes and maintains the consistency of a systems functional, performance and physical attributes with its requirements, design and operational. Audit team members have been identified and informed of audit audit team members are aware of their responsibilities general requirements specification grs or all of the following two documents. Identification of objects in the software configuration. These roles include software engineers or developers, project leaders, test engineers, process engineers, managers and even executives.
Software configuration management audits by linda westfall. The software engineering integrated product team leads the audit of the software configuration to ensure that requirements have been properly implemented, tested, and satisfied. A successful fca typically demonstrates that engineering and manufacturing development product is sufficiently. Software configuration management mcq questions and answers. Iec 61508certified builtfor purpose function blocks offer advanced engineering technology, draganddrop configuration, comprehensive security, and explorerbased software. It has to do more with systems engineering and program management that official auditing. Team foundation is a group of tools and technologies that enable the team to collaborate and. Inprocess auditing of scm provides a more formal mechanism for monitoring selected aspects of the process and may be coordinated with the sqa function see topic 5, software configuration auditing. Since the final tested software design verified at the fca normally becomes the production. Software configuration item an overview sciencedirect. Software configuration management can be functionally broken out into the areas of 1 version control, 2 document control, 3 change management 4 build management, and 5 release control. Software configuration management course ieee computer. Some organizations use a physical configuration audit to confirm consistency of design andor user documentation with the code. Unit of text created by a software engineer during analysis, design, code, or test.
Software configuration management in software engineering. Changes may be required to modify or update any existing solution or to create a new solution for a problem. Software configuration management scm is a branch of software engineering to provide a better process to handling, organizing and controlling the. Software engineering software project management software. After successful completion of the audit and the establishment of a product base line pbl, all subsequent changes are processed by formal engineering change action. An audit is a planned and independent evaluation of one or more products or processes to determine conformance or compliance to a set of agreed to requirements. Configuration control is an important function of the configuration management discipline. Prior to software deployment, the software configuration items must be subjected to a final examination to ensure that the software data. The more confidence the government has in a contractors configuration verification process, the easier the configuration audit process becomes. These function blocks simplify configuration and troubleshooting by providing safety logic needed for voting, sequencing, andor alarming. Configuration audits provide a mechanism for determining the degree to which the. Configuration audit configuration control systems engineering. Consider an annual demonstration of contractor alignment with software engineering institute capability maturity model integrated cmmi cm 1, information technology infrastructure library cm 2, uniform toplevel cm processesiso9001 3, and national consensus standard for configuration management ansi eia 649 4.
Software requirements specification srs, system specification ss. Software configuration management is a process independent of. The configuration audit is an activity that is conducted to determine that a system or item meets it functional requirements and has been built in accordance with its blueprints, source. Software configuration management audits westfall team. The configuration audit is an activity that is conducted to determine that a system or item meets it functional requirements and has been built in accordance with its blueprints, source code, or other technical documents. Prior to configuration audit, do the organizations procedures require that. Scm controls the evolution and integrity of a product by. This chapter is the updated version of the software configuration management scm generally accepted knowledge to be used as a consistent view of this software engineering topic worldwide. The purpose of this configuration management cm self assessment checklist is to ensure that the organization correctly understands the cm requirements levied by customer andor described in scmh configuration management guidelines and is implementing them in an appropriate. Software configuration management course ieee computer society. This paper will provide practical approaches to implementing and managing engineering changes and explore product data management pdm or product lifecycle management plm and.
Solarwinds provides a server configuration monitor to. To make sure clearness and consistency of the software product it might be essential to audit the software development procedures together with the main significant feature software testing. Contain software configuration management objective questions and answers or software configuration management questions with. The purpose of the software pca is to ensure that the design and reference documentation is consistent with the asbuilt software product. The verification report, produced as a result of applying isoiec tr 14143. A physical configuration audit pca is the formal examination to verify the configuration items product baseline. The objective of functional configuration audit is to verify that a configuration item is in accordance with its software requirements. This paper will provide practical approaches to implementing and managing engineering changes and explore product data management pdm or product lifecycle management plm and enterprise resource planning erp can be used as a tool to support configuration management and engineering change control. Adequacy of the organizations scm policies, plans, processes and systems to meet the organizations objectives. The objective of the functional audit is to provide an independent evaluation of a software product. In the case of software configuration management scm audits, three types of.
Audit configuration an overview sciencedirect topics. Software engineeringconfiguration audit best online. Software configuration management scm is the activity that helps us control the evolution of a software project. Software configuration management scm process and procedure. Software configuration management, scm is an activity which is used at every level and every part of the process of software engineering. Configuration management cm is a systems engineering process for establishing and maintaining consistency of a products performance, functional, and physical attributes with its requirements. Describe the process by which physical configuration audits will be performed. Software engineering scm process with software engineering tutorial, models, engineering, software development life cycle, sdlc, requirement engineering, waterfall model, spiral model, rapid application. Iso 9000 update configuration management and iso 9001. We provide consulting, contracting and training services to both the owners and the developers of software intensive systems. The aim of a conducting software audit is to provide an independent. Software configuration management complete guide to scm.
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